Alcester Flower Club

Alcester Flower Club was founded in 1964 and has been meeting regularly since then on the first Monday in the month excluding August, originally in the Stratford Road WRVS hut, subsequently transferring to the Greig Hall.

The function of the club is to give enjoyment to members and friends by providing a monthly meeting at which a demonstation of flower arranging is given by an invited speaker.

The club is affiliated to the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies which provides a list of demonstrators.  These demonstrations are not only relaxing for those interested in floral art, but are also most informative for gardening enthusiasts.

Visitors are always welcome and the first meeting of 2003 is February 3rd.

    If you contact Alcester Flower Club please tell them you found them using

    Contact Name:Wendy Beesley
    Address:21 Sherwell Drive Alcester Warwickshire
    B49 5HA
    Telephone:01789 762865

    Page created by wendybeesley
    Last edited at 17/01/2003 19:29:04
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